Monday, November 26, 2007

Subprime Wonderland

Markets drop, are you thinking,

For us all, net worth sinking,

A freak-i-full sight,

There’s no sleeping tonight.

Walking in a subprime wonderland.

Gone away is my savings,

I’m just left with my ravings,

Should’ve bought yen,

My one hundred’s a ten,

Trudging in a subprime wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman,

Then pretend the Tan Man’s* on our side

He’ll say: Are you leveraged?

We’ll say no man,

But you can default

‘Cause you’re Countrywide

Later on, in deep depression,

We’ll complain about recession,

To face with great dread,

Hillary and Fred,

Slogging through a subprime wonderland

In the meadow we can build a snowman,

And pretend that he is Chairman Ben**,

We’ll have lots of fun with Mr. Chairman,

Until the other bankers knock him down.

When dollars drop, ain’t it thrilling,

Though your credit gets a chilling,

We’ll extend not pay, the consumer way,

Sinking in a subprime wonderland

*aka Angelo Mozilo

**aka Ben Bernanke